Information about the currently loaded map (room) can be obtained through the ScriptInterface#Map
string Name
- The name of the map. This does not include the room number.
int RoomID
- The map’s area id. This is required in some packets.
int PlayerCount
- The number of players in the currently loaded map.
List<String> PlayerNames
- The list of player names in the currently loaded map.
List<PlayerInfo> Players
- The list of players in the current map.
List<PlayerInfo> CellPlayers
- The list of players in the current cell.
bool Loaded
- Indicates whether a map is currently loaded.
string[] Cells
- An array of all the cell names in the map.
void Reload()
- Reloads the current map.
void GetMapItem(int id)
- Sends a getMapItem packet with the specified id. This is useful for quests that require some sort of map interaction.
bool PlayerExists(string name)
- Checks if the player with the given name exists in the map.
PlayerInfo GetPlayer(string name)
- Gets information about the player with the given name. The player must be loaded in the current map.
These objects have the following properties:
string Name
- The player’s name (username). This is always lower case.
int HP
- The player’s current HP.
int MaxHP
- The player’s maximum HP.
int MP
- The player’s current mana.
PlayerStats Stats
- The player’s stats. Only your player will have any stats loaded. This is also incomplete.
bool AFK
- Determines whether the player is AFK or not.
int EntID
- The player’s entity ID.
int Level
- The player’s level.
string Cell
- The player’s cell.
string Pad
- The player’s pad.
float X
- The player’s X coordinate.
float Y
- The player’s Y coordinate;
int State
- The state of the player (0 = dead, 1 = idle, 2 = combat, I think).