

Creating a Plugin

To create plugin, create a new class library project in Visual Studio (or whatever IDE you use), and add a reference to RBot.exe.

Then create a new class that extends RBot.Plugins.RPlugin and override the plugin’s properties and methods:

using System;
using RBot;
using RBot.Plugins;

public class TestPlugin : RPlugin
    public override string Name => "Test Plugin";
    public override string Author => "rodit";
    public override string Description => "This is a test plugin.";

    public override List<IOption> Options => new List<IOption>();

    public override void Load()
        // Called when the plugin is loaded.
        Bot.Log("Test plugin lodaed.");

    public override void Unload()
        // Called when the plugin is unloaded.
        Bot.Log("Test plugin unlodaed.");

References to the current bot instance and the plugin’s container are found at RPlugin#Bot and RPlugin#Container respectively. The plugin’s container is used to get and set the plugin’s options.

Configurable Plugin Options

Plugins can set options in the exact same way as script options are set (see 14. Script Options). The only difference is the options must be defined as a property, not a field. Options values can be get and set through Container.Options in the exact same way as script options:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RBot;
using RBot.Plugins;

public class TestPlugin : RPlugin
    public override string Name => "Test Plugin";
    public override string Author => "rodit";
    public override string Description => "This is a test plugin.";

    public override List<IOption> Options => new List<IOption>(){
        new Option<bool>("test", "Test Option", "This is a test option.", true)

    public override void Load()
        // Called when the plugin is loaded.
        Bot.Log("Test plugin lodaed.");

            Bot.Log("Test option is enabled.");

    public override void Unload()
        // Called when the plugin is unloaded.
        Bot.Log("Test plugin unlodaed.");

Plugin options are configured by opening the plugins window and clicking on the plugin you would like to configure. Plugins in the plugins folder next to RBot.exe are automatically loaded on launch. Other plugins can be manually loaded by clicking the Load button on the plugins window.