

The bot can listen for certain events and your script can attach its own listeners to handle these events. This is done through the ScriptInterface#Events object.

The following events can be listened for:

Event handlers are cleared when a script stops or starts. To manually clear event handlers use ScriptEvents#ClearHandlers(), although this is typically not necessary.

Listening for Events

To attach your own listener to an event, you can use the typical C# syntax for adding event handlers. All event handlers take a first argument which is the current instance of the ScriptInterface and some take a second argument (shown in the list above). For example:

bot.Events.PlayerDeath += b => {
    b.Log("Player died.");

will log "Player died" every time the player dies. Another example:

bot.Events.MapChanged += (b, map) => {
    b.Log("Player is in map " + map + ".");

will log "Player is in map {map name}." whenever the map changes.

I’m sure there are more imaginitive uses for these events but I have kept it simple for the examples.